GTNet PerformanceΒΆ


This page is currently under construction. The results presented here may not accurately reflect what is said in text.

Taxonomic classifiers fall into two main categories: fast-and-incomplete or slow-and-complete. GTNet strives to be both fast and complete. In this page, we demonstrate GTNet capabilities by comparing to state-of-the-art methods from each of these categories. We compare to Sourmash, a fast-and-incomplete method, and CAT, a slow-and-complete method.

Our choice of tools for comparison should not be perceived as a criticism or an endorsement for either tool. These tools were chosen based on their ease of use for labelling contigs with the GTDB taxonomy and the algorithmic approaches underlying these tools.

Here are accuracy comparisons for a subset of non-representative GTDB taxa.


Here are speed comparisons for a subset of 40 non-representative genomes.
